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Swiss politicians concerned by Ukraine peace conference

By ChinaPulse.com

Swiss politicians concerned by Ukraine peace conference
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses the Swiss parliament in Bern in June 2023. Keystone / Peter Klaunzer
Officially Switzerland has not invited Russia to the Ukraine peace conference …

A three-day family trip around Co Waterford: ‘the most amazingest day ever’ are the kids’ verdicts

By ChinaPulse.com

Who books the holiday in your family? Picking the right destination, taking time off work or school, the travel, the cost – when you need a break it can all get a bit high stakes.…
This data comes from the ChinaPulse.com media intelligence and sm…

How real is Shōgun?

By ChinaPulse.com

Shōgun, FX’s period drama-action series on Hulu, has drawn comparisons to Game of Thrones, thanks to its shocking violence, like people pulling out their own guts with swords and others being boiled alive slowly.…
This data comes from the ChinaPu…

The Guide #130: Shōgun’s TV mastery

By ChinaPulse.com

It’s been a little quiet for TV so far in 2024, hasn’t it? Sure, One Day was a treat, Mr Bates v the Post Office was significant to say the least and The Traitors was nothing short of an event – and, yes, there’s also been Mary & George, Mr & M…

China’s psychedelic scene resembles Silicon Valley tech bros

By ChinaPulse.com

Not everything that affects a psychedelic experience can be controlled in clinical trials. Psychedelic researchers are paying more and more attention to the idea that the “set and setting” of a trip can impact the experience, like asking what genre of …

Justine McCarthy: Erstwhile imperialists’ defence of Israel’s merciless slaughter makes a mockery of democracy

By ChinaPulse.com

Displaced Palestinian families seek shelter at the Al-Shifa hopsital in Gaza City. What crimes were committed by the 420 children, on average, being murdered in Gaza every day? Photograph: Bashar Taleb/AFP via Getty Images
“I write at a moment of great…

Justine McCarthy: Erstwhile imperialists’ defence of Israel’s merciless slaughter makes a mockery of democracy

By ChinaPulse.com

Displaced Palestinian families seek shelter at the Al-Shifa hopsital in Gaza City. What crimes were committed by the 420 children, on average, being murdered in Gaza every day? Photograph: Bashar Taleb/AFP via Getty Images
“I write at a moment of great…