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Downshifting US Inflation Will Help Reassure the Fed

By ChinaPulse.com

(Bloomberg) — The runway toward a Federal Reserve interest-rate cut will come more into focus in the coming week amid fresh signs inflation is abating and economic activity is simmering down.…
This data comes from the ChinaPulse.com media i…

Canada already in talks to avoid Trump tariffs

By ChinaPulse.com

Canada has already begun talks with members of Donald Trump’s circle about avoiding new trade tariffs if he’s elected U.S. president this fall.
If it happens, the Canadians have warned of retaliation.…
This data comes from the ChinaPu…

3-time Rwanda President Kagame storms to power with 99% votes & other global news you may have missed

By ChinaPulse.com

Rwanda, straight out of the gruesome genocide of 1994, elected Kagame as president by voting for his Tutsi-dominated party Rwanda Patriotic Front in 2000. Kagame previously served as defense minister and vice-president in 1994, soon after his RPF decla…

Watch moment Russian helicopters fly over packed Black Sea beach sending terrified tourists scrambling for cover

By ChinaPulse.com

DRAMATIC footage has captured the moment Russian helicopters hovered over a packed beach, sending terrified tourists scrambling for cover.
Russian military pilots were seen “raging war” against their own people near the Black Sea as well as…

Chinese artefacts in repatriation row were ‘given willingly’ to British Museum

By ChinaPulse.com

The British Museum boasts one of the biggest collections of Chinese antiquities in the west, but it has faced repeated calls to return them to China. Now historical documents reveal that many of the antiquities were acquired with the full cooperation o…

U.S. vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance is a study in contradiction

By ChinaPulse.com

Open this photo in gallery: From the left: Former U.S. President Donald Trump, Melania Trump, U.S. Senator and 2024 Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance and his wife Usha Vance stand onstage during the last day of the 2024 Republican Natio…

‘It affects everything’: why is Hollywood so scared to tackle the climate crisis?

By ChinaPulse.com

A rodeo crowd waves cowboy hats as a man rides a bucking horse. Then comes a shower of leaves, a chorus of mobile phone rings and a wail of klaxons. Horses run wild and cars collide.…
This data comes from the ChinaPulse.com media intelligence and…

How the OPEC oil crisis caused mass migration

By ChinaPulse.com

Open this photo in gallery: People line up for petrol in Vienna, Austria, on Dec. 14, 1973.Bridgeman Images/Reuters
Randall Hansen is the Canada Research Chair in Global Migration and the director of the Global Migration Lab at the Munk School of Globa…

Nepal has a new prime minister and it may be good news for China

By ChinaPulse.com

KP Oli, the head of the second largest party in Parliament, has become the prime minister of Nepal a fourth time. File Photo
On July 15, KP Sharma Oli was sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Nepal, marking his fourth term in office.…
This data …

European divisions risk incoherent response to any second Trump term

By ChinaPulse.com

To be a foreign diplomat serving in the US, charged with interpreting the country’s politics so it appears predictable and explicable to your political masters in Europe, is currently no easy job.…
This data comes from the ChinaPulse.com media in…