
China Set To Lose 60 Percent of Population by Century’s End

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

China’s population of over 1.4 billion could drop by a precipitous 60 percent by the end of the century, according to a Chinese think tank.
By 2100, the world’s second-largest population could number just 525 million, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sc…

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Divergence Highlighted By Back-To-Back Contractions In Japan And UK But Little FX Reaction

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

There has been a string of disappointing economic news today. Japan’s economy surprisingly contracted in Q4 ’23, and the Q3 contraction was a little deeper than initially estimated. Australia’s jobs growth was weaker than expected, a…

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Russian efforts to create anti-satellite weapons are cause for U.S. concern

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

The U.S. has gathered highly sensitive intelligence about Russian anti-satellite weapons that has been shared in recent weeks with the upper echelons of government, according to four people who have been briefed on the intelligence. The people, who we…

News in Asia |

Alibaba: With A 22% FCF Yield, Growth Is No Longer Needed

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

maybefalse/iStock Unreleased via Getty Images
Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE:BABA) has suffered a staggering 77% decline from its bubble peak just over three years ago, even as the company’s sales, earnings, and net cash pile have continued to ri…

News in Asia |

Who spiked the chowder with PCP on the set of Titanic?

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

It’s a varied week for food on podcasts this week. While, on the one hand, Comfort Eating returns to let David Baddiel hunger-inducingly talk Grace Dent through the virtues of a bacon-and-egg sandwich, on the other, there’s a show that tries to solve …

News in Asia |

David Cameron reluctant to ‘lecture’ US over Ukraine after Republican tells him to ‘kiss my a**’

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

Lord Cameron has insisted he is not trying to “lecture” the US over committing to more funding for Ukraine after a Republican congresswoman told him to “kiss my a**”.
The foreign secretary got into hot water with right-wing politicians across the Atla…

News in Asia |

Chinese State Media Suggests Trump Would Abandon Europe if Reelected

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

Former U.S. President Donald Trump will abandon Europe if reelected later this year, Chinese state media have suggested.
“Trump just stripped off the U.S. naked and put it on the table. Given the selfish nature of the U.S., the U.S. would rather sacri…

News in Asia |

North Korea’s Military Moves Risk ‘Crisis and Conflict,’ US Official Warns

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

A top U.S. defense official has warned against the dangers of complacency on increasingly aggressive moves by North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.
“We see them engaging in gray zone activity and there is always the potential for miscalculation an…

News in Asia |

Dodging the NATO spending target for defense is a shrug that Canada can no longer afford from its politicians

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

Open this photo in gallery: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets the Canada-led multinational NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group in the Adazi military base in Riga, Latvia, on July 10, 2023.GINTS IVUSKANS/AFP/Getty Images
Imagine it’s…

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Mettler-Toledo: Strong Cost Control And Pricing Growth Amid Weak Topline Growth

February 15, 2024 | Source: MediaIntel.Asia

Bloomberg/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Mettler-Toledo (NYSE:MTD) announced its Q4 FY23 results on February 8, revealing a -13% revenue growth in constant currency. As previously noted in my coverage, I emphasized the challenges faced in the Chinese phar…

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