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‘India can see China-like economic success without sacrificing democracy,’ says TeamLease vice-chairman

By ChinaPulse.com

“I think that the success of China probably is 20 percent related to their dictatorial or their autocratic or their communist tendencies. The other part of it is just non-farm job creation.…
This data comes from the ChinaPulse.com media intellige…

From Covid-inspired tag in Mexico to soccer with no ball in Iraq: Francis Alÿs on his joyous films of children’s games

By ChinaPulse.com

We use the expression “child’s play” to suggest that something is a doddle, yet the ways children entertain themselves are often the result of great ingenuity and resourcefulness. The Belgian-born, Mexico-based artist Francis Alÿs has spent more than 2…

At the Edge of Empire by Edward Wong review changing state

By ChinaPulse.com

It’s hard to think of a country that has changed as fundamentally as China without altering its basic political system. When I first visited Beijing, three weeks before the Tiananmen massacre in 1989, the main avenues of the city were rivers of bicycle…

Pak deputy PM now: Don’t believe in perpetual hostility, seek good neighbourly relations with India

By ChinaPulse.com

“To our east, the relationship with India has historically remained troubled. Pakistan does not believe in perpetual hostility. We seek good neighbourly relations with India on the basis of mutual respect, sovereign equality, and a just and peaceful re…

On the Shadow Tracks by Clare Hammond review a train to Myanmar’s dark heart

By ChinaPulse.com

Clare Hammond began her career as a journalist covering the financial markets in Hong Kong, before moving to Myanmar. From 2014 to 2020, she worked freelance for various news outlets and as digital editor of Frontier, a Yangon-based magazine of investi…

view on Putin and Kim: an alarming new pact needs close attention

By ChinaPulse.com

A shiny, sanctions-busting Russian limousine for Kim Jong-un. A fawning, rapturous reception for Vladimir Putin. These grand gestures may be welcomed by the North Korean and Russian leaders, but are intended as much for their global audience as for eac…

Rashida Tlaib hates the West, the United States, and reality

By ChinaPulse.com

Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and socialist keyboard warrior Nina Turner published a piece titled “Black Liberation and Palestinian Liberation Are Interconnected” on Monday, but their argument was ignorant of reality.…
This data comes from t…

‘Almost a total brain drain’: Myanmar conscription law could cast long shadow as tens of thousands flee

By ChinaPulse.com

Open this photo in gallery: To avoid conscription, David Htoo journeyed through the jungles of Myanmar, paying bribes at checkpoints along the way, before reaching a displaced persons camp where he shared his story with The Globe.Photography…

Russia and North Korea: what can they do for each other?

By ChinaPulse.com

China accounts for more than 90% of North Korea’s trade and has been its most dependable aid donor and diplomatic ally. But as Vladimir Putin’s imminent visit to Pyongyang proves, the secluded state’s behaviour is being increasingly influenced by its s…

Between hollow rhetoric and war: how sanctions work and why they often don’t

By ChinaPulse.com

In the year 432BCE, the Athenian empire sought to teach its smaller neighbour, Megara, a punitive lesson after various acts of defiance. Instead of going to war, which would break the peace with Sparta, Athens took the novel path of blocking the Megari…