It’s so cold in China birds are being entombed in ice & commuters are coming home frozen SOLID amid freak -52C blast

February 22, 2024

CHINA is currently facing its harshest winter in years with extreme sub-zero temperatures causing birds to freeze to death.

The bone-chilling -52 blast saw a commuter being encased in ice after he rode a bicycle home from work for nearly an hour in freezing rain.…

This data comes from the media intelligence and smart news insights monitoring platform.

Original URL: Click here to visit original article

It’s so cold in China birds are being entombed in ice & commuters are coming home frozen SOLID amid freak -52C blast

February 22, 2024

CHINA is currently facing its harshest winter in years with extreme sub-zero temperatures causing birds to freeze to death.

The bone-chilling -52 blast saw a commuter being encased in ice after he rode a bicycle home from work for nearly an hour in freezing rain.…

This data comes from the media intelligence and smart news insights monitoring platform.

Original URL: Click here to visit original article